Thursday, November 09, 2017

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Coastal Development, A General Perception...

Significant development of coastal area has become a major concern in many countries since this area is closely related with diversity and complexity. Saleh et al., (2016: p.2) mention that coastal area as a community that has complex potentials in relation with its development such as social, administrative, physical, economical, political and biophysical perspective. Several issues and impacts have been risen up in line with the development of coastal area. It is argued here that coastal development will be beneficial for residents in some ways. This essay tries to cover both positive and negative impacts as the result of coastal area development including several issues that follow it in environmental, social and economic perspectives.

Economically, coastal area promises many great business opportunities. Thanh (2006: p.1) notes that the wealth of natural resources and other natural conditions benefits has trigged the coastal zone to become an area of active economic development and high population density with the significant growth of water way and ports, agriculture, fisheries, industry, mining, and tourism. In social perspective, coastal development has brought several merits. For instance, Ahmed (2005: p.17), finds in tourism industry that the development of coastal area can establish renewed local pride in their culture and increasing the cross-cultural exchanges among the local people and the tourists. The residents are also benefited with the improvement of infrastructures and transportation facilities. Moreover, he also claims that this development can encourage the growth of traditional festivals and other cultural events in coastal area. This factor can also promote local and traditional crafts and souvenirs.

However, these great improvements have already led to several threats. Thanh (2006: p.1) argues that coastal disasters (floods, erosion, sedimentation, salt intrusion and oil spills), pollution at various levels (oil, organic compounds, pesticide and heavy metals) and damage of habitats and decrease of living organisms are some of the serious consequences as the impacts of economic activities in coastal area. Ahmed (2005: p.16) also identifies in the coastal tourism that the local people will loss of advantages economically if the investors own and manage tourist industry by themselves and not involving local communities. In social context, he also indicates that the residents cannot comfortably use the overdevelopment of supporting facilities, shopping and transportation systems. These improvements also bring several cultural degradations. Ahmed (2015: p.2) believes that the increasing of social degradation and criminality in coastal area happened as the result of the modernization in that area.

There are several approaches that can be taken to minimize those negative effects. Since its complexity, coastal areas need to be managed in an integrated way. One term that has been proposed is Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM).  According to Post and Lundin (1996: p.7), ICZM is government process that covers institutional and legal framework to make sure that the management and development plans of coastal area is integrated with environment and social goals also involving all the stakeholders.

In conclusion, coastal development cannot be avoided as a part of modernization. There are merits and drawbacks as the consequences of this development. I believe, with an integrated and appropriate management system, the development of coastal area will bring many advantages for the residents. 

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