Friday, June 26, 2009

The Autonomous Underwater Vehicle (AUV): A Cost-Effective Alternative to Deep-Towed Technology


As the technology applied to energy exploration and

p roduction advances to meet the deepwater challenges

beyond the continental shelf, Autonomous Underw a t e r

Vehicles (AUVs) will be increasingly employed. AUV

technology has just reached a milestone as the result of

the first commercial purchase of an AUV by C&C

Technologies, Inc. of Lafayette, Louisiana.

The deep-towed system, the conventional deepwater

mapping tool, suffers from chronic waste and inefficiency.

To rectify this problem, Kongsberg Simrad, in conjunction

with C&C Technologies, is developing the HUGIN

3000. The HUGIN has evolved from an AUV pro g r a m m e

amassing more than one hundred missions since 1995.

The HUGIN will be integrated with an acoustic tether to

monitor data acquisition and optimise system perf o rm a n c e .


The deep-towed system originated as a mapping tool to

accommodate large-scale academic surveying projects

comprising multiple traverses of lengthy, straight lines.

It was later adapted to similar applications, such as pipeline

routes, fibre-optic cable routes, and block hazard

s u rveys. Provided by manufacturers such as EDO

Corporation, Kongsberg Simrad, and Datasonics, Inc.,

the deep-towed system is the true precursor to the

s u rvey AUV and remains the standard deepwater surv e y

tool of today. Typical deep-tow instrumentation packages

include the side scan sonar and sub-bottom profiler.

U n f o rt u n a t e l y, due to the massive amounts of tow cable

re q u i red (10,000 metres is not uncommon), deeptowed

costs are extremely high. Such cable lengths

demand huge handling systems and constitute a substantial

surface area when towed. Survey speeds are there f o re

limited to 2.0 to 2.5 knots and vessel turns often

re q u i re 4 to 6 hours to accomplish, which devour a painful

portion of a survey budget.

Positioning of deep-towed systems embodies the

age-old axiom: accuracy v e r s u s cost. Ranked accord i n g

to cost (highest first), the three primary underwater acoustic

positioning alternatives are:

Long Base Line (LBL).

Two-Vessel Ultra Short Base Line (USBL).

Single-Vessel USBL (for less than 1,000 metres of

water depth).

LBL, the most accurate, is also the most costly,

time-consuming, and dangerous. It involves the placement

of an encompassing grid of acoustic-positioning

transponder beacons, upon the seafloor. An initial,

often tedious, calibration pro c e d u re is re q u i red and each

LBL operation concludes with a transponder retrieval

p ro c e d u re, guaranteed to make any Health, Safety and

Environmental (HSE) auditor shudder.

Tw o - Vessel Ultra Short Base Line (USBL) positioning

re q u i res the addition of a second survey vessel, or chaseboat

(Figure 1). The duty of a chase-boat is to follow

above the towfish, within the acoustic ranging

capability of the USBL, and track the towfish position.

Acoustically derived towfish positions are simultaneously

transmitted via radio to the tow-vessel’s

navigation computer.

S i n g l e - Vessel USBL is, in effect, when the tow vessel

also provides positioning for the deep-towed fish. Deeptowed

systems re q u i re cable lengths of at least 2.5

times the water depth during survey operations and the

acoustic ranging capability of the USBL system is

generally less than 2,500 metres. Consequently, this limits

the utility of Single-Vessel USBL positioning to about

1,000 metres of water for deep-towed operations.

H UGI N 3 0 0 0 A U V

Recognising the need for a more efficient approach to

deepwater surveying, C&C invested one year evaluating

the available vendors of AUV technology. Researc h

included meeting with designers and manufacture r s

and witnessing AUV demonstrations in the US, Canada

and Norway.

The majority of the alternatives were academic in nature ,

p roviding limited depth capabilities and electrical

power sources inadequate for the requisite surv e y

sensors. Kongsberg Simrad’s HUGIN was the only

AUV that had functioned at appreciable depths,

p e rf o rming numerous commercial surveys in hundre d s

of metres of water.

The HUGIN was the only AUV integrated with a

L a u n c h - a n d - R e c o v e ry system. Housed (along with the

AUV vehicle) in an air- t r a n s p o rtable cargo container, the

H U G I N ’s Launch and Recovery system has proven safe

and effective in weather conditions up to sea state 5.

The HUGIN’s survey instrumentation is powered by

a unique aluminium oxygen fuel cell developed in

conjunction with the Norwegian Defence Establishment

(FFI). The HUGIN vehicle is currently in routine use by

the Norwegian Underwater Intervention (NUI) pro v i d i n g

h i g h - p recision mapping to water depths of 600 metre s .1

H U GI N 3 0 0 0 S P E CI FI CAT IO NS

Depth Rating = 3,000 metres

Survey Speed = 4 knots

Line Turn Duration = ~5 minutes

Mission Endurance = >40 hours depending upon

payload power load and vehicle


Length = 5.3 metres

Diameter = 1.0 metres

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